Complete guide: Split air conditioner - selection, installation and operation

Complete guide: Split air conditioner - selection, installation and operation

Are you wondering which split air-conditioner to choose and how to properly install it? This guide will provide you with the necessary information to make an informed choice of a unit that meets your needs, prepare for installation and schedule regular maintenance. You'll learn what to look for when choosing an air conditioner, how to install it, and how to keep it in optimal condition throughout the year.

Key Information

A split air conditioner consists of an indoor and outdoor unit. The choice of power and type of unit depends on several factors, including the size of the room, its isolation, the number of occupants and other factors that cause heat gain, as well as individual needs of the user.

A set of specialized tools is needed for the installation of units and the installation of the refrigerant. Installation of split air conditioner requires specialized knowledge and experience, as well as in the case of equipment containing controlled substances (f-gas)appropriate certification called" f-gas certificate ".

Regular maintenance of the split air conditioner, including cleaning of filters and disinfection of the heat exchanger and the drip tray and condensate system, is essential to maintaining the efficiency of the unit and ensuring healthy indoor air.

The basics of split air conditioner operation

To begin with, let's consider what a split-type air conditioner really is. As the name suggests, it is a system consisting of two units - an indoor and an outdoor unit. They are connected by pipes, through which a refrigerant flows, allowing efficient heat exchange and cooling in the room. So how does this refrigerant work?

The refrigerant, when flowing through the split air conditioner system, allows the exchange of energy between the two environments. In cooling mode, the evaporator and therefore the indoor unit absorbs heat from the room, while the condenser of the outdoor unit gives it back to the environment.

Choosing the perfect split air conditioner for your home

Ok, now you know how a split air conditioner works. But how do you choose the perfect one? What should you pay attention to? First, you need to consider several factors.

The first is the size of the room where you plan to install the air conditioner. The optimal power of a split-type home air conditioner should be selected according to the size of the room in which it is to operate. As long as there are no additional sources of heat gain in the entire room in addition to the people in it, it can be roughly assumed that we need equipment with a capacity of about 60 to 100W for each square meter of space. The smallest air conditioners with a capacity of 9,000 BTU will cool a room of up to 40 square meters, and an air conditioner with a capacity of 18,000 BTU will provide us with suitable conditions in rooms of up to 70 meters.

The type of building, the nature of the interior, and the individual needs of the user have a significant impact on the required power of the device, the type of indoor unit, and the energy class. All this should be taken into account to ensure optimal efficiency and comfort.

Wall air conditioners and other types of units

When you decide to buy a split-type air conditioner, the next step is to choose the type of indoor unit. In residential buildings, wall-mounted and cassette units are the most popular. Less common are ceiling- or floor-mounted units. In single-family housing, as well as in commercial buildings, more elaborate systems are increasingly being installed with a ducted indoor unit that allows even distribution of cooling to several rooms from a single indoor unit.

But it doesn't stop there! There are also multi-split air conditioners on the market, which allow more than one indoor unit to be connected to a single outdoor unit. This not only improves aesthetics (since you don't have to mount several outdoor units on the building wall), but also reduces installation costs. In some systems, it is possible to connect up to 9 indoor units!

Skirting air conditioners are usually used in smaller rooms where you do not want to disturb the interior design or lack the availability of space for a standard wall unit. As an alternative to them, portable air conditioners can also work well in smaller spaces.

Features of split air conditioners with high energy class

When choosing a split air conditioner, it is worth paying attention to its energy class. Air conditioners with a high energy class are more energy efficient, which translates into lower electricity bills and a lower impact on the environment.

Installation of a split air conditioner - step by step

Buying and choosing a split air conditioner is one thing, but what about installing it? Is it a complicated process? Can it be carried out independently? Let's start with the basics.

Installation of a split air conditioner begins with:

Installation of the indoor unit. In the case of the most popular unit, it is usually on the wall of the room, slightly below the ceiling.

Installation of the outdoor unit

Installation of the refrigeration system with copper pipes, through which the refrigerant will flow, and connecting it to both units.

Carry out the necessary electrical supply and control installation between the two units

Carry out the installation of condensate drainage

But this is not the end! Then you need to dry the refrigeration system created in this way by creating a vacuum in it using a vacuum pump, then fill it with the refrigerant accumulated in the external unit, and if the installation length is longer than standard, supplement it with additional refrigerant.

Additional functions of split air conditioners

Have you ever wondered what makes split air conditioners so popular? Here are some additional features that may interest you.

The first is a remote control with a Wi-Fi module. It allows you to regulate the temperature of a specific room from anywhere using your phone, ensuring convenience and control even when you're away from home.

Another important feature is the antibacterial filter. Split air conditioners can be equipped with HEPA or iAIE antibacterial filters, which are designed to reduce pollutants and improve indoor air quality.

Maintenance and care of your split air conditioner

Just like any other appliance, a split air conditioner requires regular maintenance and care. But what does this actually mean?

Foremost, it is important to clean the air filters regularly. It is recommended that they be replaced or cleaned, depending on how dirty they are. Without this action, your air conditioner will soon. Will become less efficient

In addition, it is important to regularly disinfect the condensation tray. Moist conditions inside air conditioners can promote the growth of dangerous bacteria, such as legionella, and streptococcus, which poses a health risk.

Split air conditioning in different types of facilities

Split air conditioning is extremely versatile and works well in different types of facilities, such as:

single-family houses

apartment blocks


commercial buildings

Split air conditioners, being one type of air conditioning, can be selected to meet the individual needs and conditions in each of these places.

Sustainable cooling: split air conditioners and the environment

Nowadays, as we pay more and more attention to environmental protection, it is worth considering how split air conditioners affect the planet. They are environmentally friendly thanks to energy efficiency, the use of refrigerants with low greenhouse effect potential, and the ability to recycle parts of the units.


In conclusion, a split air conditioner is an advanced and energy-efficient solution that will work well in different types of facilities. Given its numerous benefits, it is worth considering its installation to enjoy a comfortable temperature, regardless of the season.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a split-type air conditioner?

Split air conditioners consist of two units - indoor and outdoor, which are connected by wires and use refrigerant as a thermal energy carrier. This is the most common type of air conditioning in offices, homes and smaller stores.

What is better, split or multisplit?

If you only want to install air conditioning in one room, a Split system is the best choice. If, on the other hand, you want to air-condition more than one room, a multi-split system is a better choice.

How much electricity does a split-air conditioner consume?

Split air conditioner - in practice, it consumes from 0.3 to 0.8 kWh, which is 12-48 kWh per month. This is the calculation we can make to estimate the monthly cost of using an air conditioner.

How much does a Split air conditioner cost?

Installation of a 3.5 kW split air conditioner costs about 1.5-2.0 thousand zlotys, and units with a capacity of more than 5 kW can cost between 2,500 - 3,000 zlotys. It is also worth considering the cost of installation at 1.0-1.5 thousand zlotys.
